What Processes Can Companies Use to Seek Out Criminal Activity in Their Organizations?

Crime is a big problem in corporate life, both online and offline, as there are a considerable number of ways that a business might be attacked. So, companies need to come up with intelligent yet simple plans to combat it, and here are some ways that companies can seek out criminal activity in their organizations.

Firstly, they need to know what threats are out there.

This is a big part of fighting any threat. Businesses need to be aware of what they are going up against. Ensuring that they have all bases covered is a long and arduous process, but here are some of the threats and what they can do to businesses if they are underprepared.

Criminal Activity

#1 Malicious employees

Malicious employees, or insider threats, are serious problems within a business. They are the most likely threats to have suspicious emails and activity. They might steal, sabotage, or destroy a business from the inside out. They might be working for a rival company, on their own, or doing it for some criminal organization that will pay large amounts for data.

#2 Phishing 

Phishing is a form of social engineering that can ruin companies. It involves getting victims to click on a link sent via an email, potentially disguised as a bill or from a client, to infect a computer with malware. This is just one example of how phishing and social engineering can easily affect a business.

Now that they know the threats, they can begin to protect themselves

Now that the companies are aware of the dangers, they can start to protect themselves and gather evidence to take to the courts and get the justice they deserve. Here is how they might do this:

#1 eDiscovery

eDiscovery can help businesses accumulate data and evidence that might be deemed suspicious. This plays a huge role in tracking down a malicious employee if they believe an attack has happened from the inside out rather than vice versa. eDiscovery is fascinating and has many different steps. To learn more about what it does to help businesses, click here.

#2 End-user education

End-user education can help protect against all sorts of outside threats. Understanding what a threat looks like and how to work with a suspicious email is very important for employees and the safety of a business. This can be important to everyday office functionality.

#3 Anti-virus software

Antivirus software is helpful to businesses and everyday end users. It can help protect endpoints from viruses on the Internet. With detection and response, it can sense an attack and protect your business from malware trying to enter your system. With extended detection and response, the software will seek out attacks that are about to happen or if there is a threat for a more proactive response.

Jessica J. Underwood
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