Opinions range about what the maximum-used programming language right now could be. However, it’s difficult to deny both the popularity and flexibility of Python. In almost 30 years since it was invented, it has grown from a niche language to a complete-blown development environment that appears to be nowadays. That consists of our loved microcontrollers now with MicroPython and Adafruit’s CircuitPython, significantly decreasing the bar for access-level hackers, simplifying and rushing development for old palms, and offering a path to a Python-powered Internet of Things.
The CircuitPython team from Adafruit Industries – Dan Halbert, Katti Rembor, Limor “Ladyada” Fried, Phillip Torrone, and Scott Shawcroft – will drop by the Hack Chat to answer your Python and IoT questions. Join us as we speak:
How CircuitPython came to be;
The variety of IoT products that support Python;
Getting started with Python on IoT devices; and
What’s on the horizon for a Python-powered IoT?
As an extra enticement, we’ll be giving away five free one-to-12-month passes to Adafruit.Io! We’ll draw five names at random from the list of Hack Chat attendees. Stop using it for a chance to win. The ATheAdafruit group can correctly stream live video for the duration of the Hack Chat.
You are on the path and encouraged to add your questions to the dialogue. You can do that by leaving a touch on Python and the Internet of Things Hack Chat, and we’ll place that in the queue for the Hack Chat discussion.
Be part of hack-chapter Hack Chats and live network events at Hackaday.Io Hack Chat organization messaging. This week, we’ll meet on Wednesday, April three, at midday Pacific time. If you have been given time zones, we have a handy time quarter converter.
Click that speech bubble to the right, and you’ll be taken directly to the Hack Chat institution on Hackaday.Io. You don’t just wait until Wednesday; be a part of every time you need, and you can see what the community is speaking about.
Want a brief peek at what’s feasible with CircuitPython? Check out this portal occasion countdown timer, which counts down the hours until the following Hack Chat.